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The following safety requirements must be adhered to in order to ensure optimum safety in the swimming pool and surrounding pool deck.  Please remember to keep the pool areas clean.

1.All cooperators are responsible for abiding by the posted rules governing pool use for themselves, families and guests.

2. The pool gate is to be locked by the last person at the pool during operating hours (9:00a.m. – dusk).

3. The facility manager will insure that all safety equipment is in good working order and readily available each time the pool is in use.

4. A safety orientation and demonstration must be conducted for all cooperators prior to opening the pool.

5. Children 16 years of age or below must pass a swim test each year as certified by an adult.  Children under the age of 16 who have not been certified cannot swim in the deep end of the pool.

6. Prudent methods of pool safety such as the use of the buddy system are to be strictly followed.  No one is allowed to swim without the presence of another adult at the pool. 

7.  There are two designated lap swim times 9:00- 10:15 a.m. and 12:00-1:00 p.m.  Lap swimming is allowed at other times if no one is using the pool and those in attendance agree to have the lane rope removed.

8. Glass is not allowed anywhere in the pool area.  Food can be eaten in all locations. 

9.  Running is prohibited in the pool area.

10. Floatation devices and other objects are not to be left around the pool at any time.

10.  Pool rules will be enforced at all times.


Emergency procedures include but are not limited to:

  1. Procedures to be followed for life-threatening swimming pool emergencies (Pool is cleared.  Emergency phone, emergency equipment and first-aid located pool side.)

  2. At the first sign of thunder and/or lightening the pool will be cleared and closed until further notice.

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